English, asked by roshanjain220407, 4 days ago

what did gordon cook do for his living? write the number of families travelling in the ship ?​


Answered by Wincytelly


They built a boat, Wavewalker, which was 23 metres long and 30 ton in weight. It had a wooden lower part. But it was fitted out well and tested in the roughest weather. He carried spare pumps to meet any disaster. He knew that the Southern Indian Ocean was one of the world's roughest seas. With foresight, he hired two crewmen to help him conquer the roughest seas in the world, the Southern Indian Ocean before he left Cape Town to go eastward. Such precautions helped the voyagers survive the disaster.

The experiences in the sea were very bad. He and his family had a narrow escape. The angry sea waves rose as high as his 15-metre high main mast. The waves ripped open a hole on the deck. The waves dam aged the side boards and planks. Not only that, the narrator was badly hurt and was bleeding. His daughter Sue also got badly injured on the head. Death seemed certain. The pumps got blocked and extra pumps went out of order. But stars also favoured this brave and bold family and they managed to survive what seemed like sure death.

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