English, asked by varad0071632, 4 hours ago

What did he feel certain?​


Answered by XxProperPatollaxX


The seagull was feeling hungry because he could not fly and his family ... The young seagull was begging his mother to bring some food to him.


Hope its helpful.

Answered by pabitrakumar61


Do you ever wake up in the morning, think about all that you have to do for the day, and try to plan out every single little detail? You try to guess ahead and imagine how your boss is going to react when you ask for that raise, what the weather is going to be like tomorrow, and just exactly what you are going to do once your are finally able to escape the prison walls that are better known as your cubicle.

How many times do these circumstances ever play out exactly how you imagined it would? Never. But yet, no matter how many times we find ourselves having thought of the wrong outcome, we never stop doing it. We never stop trying to look ahead and predict the future before it even happens. Why? Because we, as humans, love to be certain.

We crave certainty. We crave the feeling of knowing exactly what the future holds, even if it’s just wanting to know what is going to happen in five minutes from now. Even more-so, we crave control. It’s okay, these desire that we crave are human nature. We hate the thought of not knowing, and hate the thought of being wrong even more.

Reality is, though, we are never going to know what the future is going to hold. Whether it be a minute, an hour, a day, a year, a century, we will never be able to accurately predict what is going to happen next. So why is it that we even try to chase the sense of certainty when it doesn’t even exist? If you ask me, that is what I would call a big waste of time.

The reason that we want and crave certainty in life is because we want to feel comfort and safety. All of us want to know exactly what the future holds so that we can prepare ourselves properly. We want to know if it is going to rain so that we can grab an umbrella. We want to know what that person is going to say when we ask them on a date so that in case they say no, we can save ourselves the embarrassment of being rejected. We want to know if we will fail before we even try so that we can save our time and energy. But none of this is realistic.

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