English, asked by janvi2173, 1 year ago

What did hermit do when the king asked him three questions ??


Answered by DivyaChamoli


The hermit live a very simple life and meet only common people so when the king comes to meet him he dressed as a common man but being wise the hermit understand that he is the king so when the king ask him about the three questions the hermit didn't answer he was digging the ground and was very tired so when the king saw the hermit that he was very tired he took the axe and start digging the ground to plant the trees then the works very hard and then it was noon the king was so tired so the hermit told him to rest there in his hut then a wounded man come there the king take him cured him by taking care of him at all night when the wounded man arises in the morning he saw that the king had taken care of him whole night and ask for the forgiveness of the king because he had came here to kill the king because the king has seize his property and he wants revenge he was being injured by the solider of the king so the ask him to forgive the king also as he has seize his property by mistake the king hug him and then he was going back to his castle.

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