Hindi, asked by abhinavr6akvpatm1, 11 months ago

what did I learn in this COVID time


Answered by MysteriousAryan



The pandemic has made us realise the inter-connectedness of everything around us. It has made us realise that till we take responsibility and ownership of our actions, across spheres, we are all at risk. Some individuals and groups were irresponsible; they did not take ownership of their actions, and, in the process, put everyone at risk

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s appeal to everyone to light a candle on April 5 to show solidarity in the fight against the coronavirus attracted a remarkable response. The lockdown has allowed, even forced, us to turn the searchlight inwards. Based on conversations I have had, anecdotes I have heard, social media posts I have read, and emotions I have experienced, there appear to be three crises confronting society.

Answered by prashudwivedi54


l hope this help u plz hit on the like button ✌✌.....,,,,..


We all learn the things from covid time are

  1. We should stay indoors
  2. We need to be stay alert
  3. we should avoid eating junk food
  4. ln this time we have to use senotizers, masks, gloved etc..
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