What did India do in ww2?
The British government meanwhile sent Indian troops to fight in West Asia and northern Africa against the Axis. India also geared up to produce essential goods such as food and uniforms. Pre-Independence India provided the largest volunteer force (2.5 million) of any nation during World War II.
✍️India contributed volunteer soldiers to fight for the Allies during World War II (WWII).
✍️ These extremely brave soldiers came from very humble and but they fought ferociously on land, at sea, and in the air.
✍️ In both the wars, the raised the world’s largest volunteer force.
✍️ In the East, the Indian soldiers, as part of the British Indian Army, fought against the and were responsible for ultimately securing South East Asia that included Singapore, the Malay Peninsula and Burma.
✍️ Were it not for the Indian soldiers, could have been very different for the countries of this region.
✍️ doctors and nurses were deeply involved on the British soil and other countries.
✍️ In 1939, the (ICF) was established at India House in Aldwych that was run by Indian and British women.
✍️The Indian soldiers, on the ground, fought courageously in every battle and built an envious reputation which the has carried forward to this day.
✍️Their were seen in East and North Africa, Italy, Burma, and as far out as Singapore, Malay Peninsula, Guam, and Indo China.
✍️ The role played by pilots from India are legendary and well documented.
✍️ WWII acted as a catalyst to India’s fight for independence but not before the British almost lost India to Netaji’s .
✍️ INA was raised by as a deeply committed military force comprising Indian volunteers and POWs of the Japanese in South East Asia, with the aim of launching a military campaign to throw the British out of India.