English, asked by vssorekar, 6 months ago

What did kezia grandmother ask kezia to do on a Sunday afternoon? what did she do?

Class 9
English chapter 3 it's urgent please give us answer​


Answered by vasundhara726



Kezia's grandmother knew that she was afraid of her father and she felt that if she spoke to him more often, she would gq£ rid of that fear. So, every Sunday afternoon she used to send her to the drawing room to have a nice talk with her father.Sunday afternoons, she always found her mother reading and her father stretched out on the sofa, sleeping soundly and snoring.

Answered by diyag2606


Kezia's grandmother asked her to go down and spend some time and have a talk with her parents on a Sunday afternoon . Kezia did as she was told but her father was sleeping on the sofa and her mother was busy reading a magazine so she could not do what she had intended to .

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