what did people do in their free time in the iron age
The Iron Age
The period known as the Iron Age lasted in Britain for about 800 years (from c.750 BC to AD 43). The changes and technological innovations that occurred during this time were every bit as evolutionary as those that have occurred in the last 800 years, from the 13th century to the present day.
By the end of the Iron Age, amongst other things, coinage had been introduced, wheel thrown pottery was being made, there was an increased interest in personal appearance, people had started to live in larger and more settled communities, and the mortuary rites of society had changed.
Furthermore, because of climatic, geographical and topographical differences, someone living in Yorkshire or Ireland would have eaten different food, worn different clothing and lived in different housing conditions from someone living in southern Britain. Due to these ranges, and the varying evidence of the archaeology, the pattern of every day life in an Iron Age village has to be described in quite generalised terms.
practicing their skill of making weapons, weaving loom,