what did she try to prove with her parting shot?
I want to say essay on the Mrs Indira Gandhi Indira Gandhi was a great leaders you are the prime minister of our country she was born on 19 November 1917 Allahabad Shiva daughter of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Gandhi have two sons rajeevan Sanjay Gandhi was held education in Switzerland he was shooted in Niketan therefore ki duaaen the Oxford University learnt a lot of things from his father through the hill letter Mrs Gandhi wanted to serve India with her people so she joined the politics iva hard during the freedom movements you are so work hard from the dependence of 1966 had been succeed in become of prime minister of India C reminded our Prime Minister of the 16 year during this the won the security guard killed her on 31st October 1984 City reply movement we shall never forget him as for us