English, asked by damrtgmailcom8880, 7 months ago

What did the child do after so many things had gone wrong?


Answered by shankarscannignibha


What do you do when you find everything going wrong in life?

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The first thing I do is I switch strategies.

Apparently, whatever I have been doing is not working out, otherwise everything wouldn’t go wrong, so before I do any more damage I will stop doing things for a while.

Usually I take a 2–3 days to re-evaluate whatever I have been doing, think about why it is not working and to come up with a Battle Plan to salvage the situation.


Obviously I would be stressed out when everything is going wrong, in which mindset I will not be able to think of many solutions as the stress will be too big, so during the first day I will mostly relax, try to have fun and not worry about anything.

I do this so I can get into a different, better mindset that will allow me to think differently than before and approach my life from a different point of view.


I will start the second day by writing down everything I am doing, both positive and negative, to get a clearer idea of how I am spending my time.

This list will be quite extensive and include everything from brushing my teeth to calls with companies.

Once this list is finished I will mark two categories of items:

Things that stress me.

Things that are unimportant.

The reason for the first category is pretty obvious; these things are causing me distress and need to change.

The reason for the second category is a bit more complex. I mark the things that are unimportant to figure out where I am probably wasting time and where I could get more time.

Most of the problems that cause everything in your life to go wrong can be solved with under 10 hours of work, so finding more time in your day is very important!

With these two categories marked I can move forward to the last day.


In the last day the only thing I am thinking about is how to deal with the things that stress me.

If it is something that takes less than 15 minutes to solve I will do it immediately, right there and then, leaving me with only things that stress me and take longer to solve.

For these remaining things I will devise a Battle Plan.

This Battle Plan consists of a few main points:

The most effective way to remove the stress - Often this involves doing something uncomfortable or scary.

Habits that can help me improve my mood - These are there to deal with the discomfort and to boost my mood, which is probably pretty low due to my life being a mess.

Examples: Cleaning my home, Organizing my documents, anything organizational, or going for walks to clear my head, among others.

Habits that prevent the problems from re-appearing - The problems came for a reason, so I need to make a change.

Example: If I am stressed out about my relationship I will create a habit to talk to my partner more often.

Habits that push me in the right direction - The last set of habits are habits that focus on the most important tasks and ways to push those things to get even more benefit out of them.

Examples: Going on more calls, writing more, producing more, learning more, etc.

The things I need to remove from my life - This is where that second category from Day 2 comes in. For all of the habits above that I am adding I will need to find more time, which means removing the things that do not matter from least importance to most importance.

Resources I can call upon - Lastly, I will make a list of resources for each of the habits and that help me feel better to access the next time my life turns into a mess. This list will change so keeping it fresh is important.

I will write everything above out so that my Battle Plan is completely on paper. This acts as the first step to implementing it and gets it all out of my head so I can reference it should I forget or should things not work out.

The main point in this entire process is to change.

Everything you have been doing has lead you to a point where your life has become a gigantic mess. Just continuing as you have will not solve anything.

There needs to be a change.

Making that change as actionable and planned-out as possible will reduce the effort it takes to put it into action.

Know that unless you act, your life will not change and you will run into another moment where your life is a mess. And the messier it is the bigger the change needs to be.

Create your own “life-changing moment” by saying that this is the time when you will take a step back from life, re-evaluate, and charge back in with more energy and fervor than ever before.

Change your life and your life will change!

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