What did the great spirit mean by the colour of war and life given to the vulture by him
The Vulture and the Great Spirit' by C.O. Campbell is an account of the great bird i.e. vulture who isn't happy about the way God has created him. Since it was the time when the Creator, the Great Spirit and his creatures could see each other, the vulture goes to the Great Spirit and asks him, why he was made in a way that people found him ugly, they were scared of him. He also expressed his desire to hunt like other animals as he was not very happy eating only the dead. When Great Spirit heard his heart out, He took him to the edge of the sky and showed him the whold earth down there. The Great Spirit explains the vulture that he is number one of his creation and he should feel happy for the way he is as no other creature cleans the Mother earth by eating the dead as he does. He is the best example of patience and he can fly high above in the sky because he is so special. From then onwards, the vulture sits on top of his tree and patiently waits for whatever comes his way, for the old spirit told him long ago 'All things come jto those who wait.'