What did the king see when he decided to pay a visit to the building where the bird in the cage was ?
Friend, Without story it can't be understood
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King Lear is a play about – blindness to others’ motivations, blindness to one’s own true nature, blindness to the emptiness of power and privilege, and blindness to the importance of selfless love. Lear’s only desire is to enjoy a comfortable, carefree old age, but he fails to see the role his absolute power has played in shaping his relationship with his daughters, whom he expects to take care of him. Once he loses his power Lear gains insight into his own nature and realizes his shortcomings, admitting “mine eyes are not ‘o th’ best.” (V.iii) Tragically, this self-knowledge comes too late, at a point when Lear has forfeited the power that might have enabled him to change his fate. He finally sees the world as it really is, but is powerless to do anything about it. He dies after saying the final words, “look there, look there,” A litteral command that the others look at Cordelia, but also a symbolic plea that the survivors see themselves, and the world, more accurately