English, asked by solankevedant7, 6 months ago

What did the priest do when the widow told him that the sick man had die


Answered by roopammishr


I do not know this question answer

Answered by KritikUpadhyay7


The Ballad of Father Gilligan Questions & Answers

Question 1: Read the passage given below and answer the following questions.

“The old priest………………………………… green sods lay.”

(a) Why was Father Gillian weary throughout?

Answer: The old Father Gilligan was overburdened by his religious duties and was extremely weary and exhausted. His poor folks were dying in large numbers so, he had to not only give the last communion to them but also conduct funeral services for them.

b) Explain the meaning of ‘under green sods’.

Answer: Green sods means a piece of earth with grass and roots growing in it. Here, ‘under green sods’ refers to the graves of the Parishioners who had died due to the calamitous epidemic.

(c) Explain the significance of the word ‘flock’.

Answer: ‘Flock’ here refers to a church congregation guided by a Priest, who is Father Gilligan. Here priest is considered to be a shepherd who looks after his sheep means his parishioners in every way. So, here the priest is to look after his flock of people.

(d) Why were his flocks either in bed or lying under green sod?

Answer: In Father Gilligan’s parish,the parishioners were either afflicted with the fatal epidemic or they have already become the victims of the deadly disease.

Question 2: What did Father Gilligan realise when he awoke from sleep? What did he do then?

Answer: Father Gilligan realised that he had slept throughout the evening. As soon as he woke up he stood upright and roused his horse out of its sleep. He then rode away to the sick man’s house.

Question 3: What does the speaker mean by ‘My body spake not I’?

Answer: The speaker meant that he had not grumbled from his heart. His body was extremely tired so he grumbled.

The Ballad of Father Gilligan Questions & Answers

Question 4: Read the passage given below and answer the following questions.

“Once, while he nodded………………………………. he began to grieve”.

(a) Why did the poor man send for Father Gilligan?

Answer: The poor man had sent for the priest so that he could receive the last sacrament before dying so that his soul would be graced and he could go to heaven.

(b) Why do you think he was nodding on the chair in the evening hour?

Answer: Father Gilligan was nodding on the chair because by evening he was tired and was dozing off to sleep.


When the priest inquired her if the sick man was dead, she said to him that the sick man died cheerfully after the priest had left. The widow's word made Father Gilligan realise that the ever merciful God had extended His helping hand to him. The priest was humbled at this and knelt and prayed.

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