What did the villagers do to help mrs. Packeltide realise her ambition to kill a tiger ? Its urgent .. Plzz answer fast ..
Answer :
In the short story 'Mrs. Packletide's Tiger' by Saki, the villagers were very excited to earn a thousand rupees and did their best to help Mrs. Packeltide realize her ambition of killing a tiger without much risk or exertion.
The villagers chose an old and senile tiger for the hunt who was used to preying on domestic animals. Children were posted at the outskirts of the village to prevent the tiger from roaming away to fresh hunting grounds. Cheap goats were left around for the tiger to prey on. Mothers were forced to hush their singing to their babies.
Further, they set up a hunting platform or machaan at a suitable place under a tree where Mrs Packletide could sit and wait for the tiger with her rifle and her paid companion, Miss Mebbin. They tethered a noisy goat as a bait for the old tiger.