English, asked by subrata5000, 1 year ago

What did tommy learn about the real book


Answered by priyanshu62672


According to Tommy, the book which he found was real which belonged to his grandfather's grandfather. The pages of the book had crinkly and yellow pages. On the other hand, the books of Tommy were the tele-books that were made by the mechanical teachers, computers while that book was handwritten.

Anonymous: I am from Kolkata, West Bengal
Anonymous: what about you?
Anonymous: yeah... nice memory power... great
Anonymous: k bye guys... have a pleasant night
Anonymous: all...
Anonymous: ⭐♥✨❤⭐
priyanshu62672: hii
priyanshu62672: hiiiii
Anonymous: hye....
Anonymous: bubye guys...have a blessed night all
Answered by pardeepsingh34


on 17 may 2157 tommy found a real book that belongs to his grandfather and he showed it to Margie . they both were reading tge book together and they found that its pages were yellowish and crinckly . the found strange about the book that the words stood still instead of moving!!

hope it will help you!

plzz plzz mark this answer as brainliest plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz!!!!

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