what did velan things about the beautiful mansion
The house proudly raised the dome. An intricately carved woodwork balcony hung from the aspect of the residence. Smooth, rounded columns, deep porch, checkered marble floors, and spacious halls deliver the house an outstanding look, and Veran asks, "Can people stay there?" I become wondering.
I thought that such a mansion existed only in Svargaroka. Looking at the kitchen and dining room, he said, "Well, our entire village can only be accommodated in this dining room! Building a bigger house costs almost 2 lakhs rupees.
What kind of house is that? It rarely costs your master 1 lakh rupee. It's a little more than a normal house, that's it. .. .` After returning to the hut, Veran sat for a long time trying to understand the vision, scope and calculations of the house builder, but he felt dazzled. He went to the neem plant, grabbed its stem with his fingers and said, "Are you all thin? What if you shake my head so high? I can put my fingers around you and shake you up like this. Grow up, little one, grow up. Grow fat. Have a trunk which two pairs of arms can`t hug, and go up and spread. Be fit to stand beside this palace; otherwise I will pull you out.