English, asked by shivamsingh1846, 10 months ago

what difference do you see between the school of the future and that of the past in the chapter ' The fun they had '​ in 100 to 120 word​


Answered by khushi146583


Answered by surendardun30


Scholar Isaac Asimov was one of the 20th century’s most prolific writers, writing in many genres. He was known for sci-fi works like Foundation and me, Robot.

Born on January 2, 1920, in Petrovichi, Russia, Isaac Asimov immigrated with his family to the United States and became a biochemistry professor while pursuing writing. He published his first novel, Pebble in the Sky, in 1950. An immensely prolific author who penned nearly 500 books, he published influential sci-fi works like I, Robot and the Foundation trilogy, as well as books in a variety of other genres. Asimov died in New York City on April 6, 1992. The on The Fun They Had is one of the most popular fictional works written by him.

Introduction of the lesson- The Fun They Had


This story is set in future when books and schools as we have now perhaps will not exist. Two students of that period about 150 years advance from today find a printed book. They are surprised very much. They talk about the schools and books of the old period. They compare those schools with those of their own which are situated in their homes and have mechanical teachers to teach them. They find their own schools dull and boring. They think that it was great fun to study in the schools of old times when all the kids in the area went there to learn the same thing by a man teacher.

( इस कहानी की रचना भविष्य काल में की गई है जब शायद आज की तरह के स्कूल और पुस्तकें उपलब्ध नहीं होंगे । आज से लगभग 150 वर्ष बाद के काल में दो विद्यार्थी एक छपी हुई पुस्तक को देखते है । वे बहुत हैरान हो जाते हैं । वे पुराने जमाने के स्कूल और पुस्तकों के बारे में बात करते है वे उस ज़माने के स्कूलों की अपने जमाने के स्कूलों के साथ तुलना करते हैं, जोकि उनके घरों में स्थित है और उन्हें पढ़ाने वाले शिक्षक तकनीकी शिक्षक है । उन्हें अपने स्कूल भददे और नीरस लगते हैँ। वे सोचते हैं कि पुराने जमाने के स्कूलों में अध्ययन करना बहुत ही रोचक होता था , जब क्षेत्र के सभी बच्चे एक मनुष्य अध्यापक से एक जैसा सबक सीखने के लिए जाते थे ।)


“The Fun They Had” is a short story that falls in the category of science fiction and has the future year 2157 as its background setting. It takes us into a world where computers will play a major role in educating children. Schools that use paper books and that encourage mutual interaction between teachers and students will cease to exist.

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