what difference does verrier Elwin draw between the game sanctuaries of Kenya and Kaziranga?
The question is asked from the story "My impression of Assam” which is written by the author Dr. Verrier Elwin. The difference that Verrier Elwin draws between the game sanctuaries of Kenya and Kaziranga is the cooperation.
In Kenya, people are very cooperative. They donate a lot of money in success of the sanctuary. The animals are kept safe and far from the human civilization.
But in Kaziranga, people are not cooperative. They do not care about the animal's safety.
In the article /essay 'My impression of Assam' written by Dr. Verrier Elwin. The writer was struck by the difference between the Game Sanctuaries of East Africa And Game sanctuary of Assam.
In East Africa the people have a tradition that everybody cooperate to make the sanctuaries a successful one. The people there even spent a lot of money on the sanctuaries. The never think of Poaching. One can take a car drive in the sanctuaries and see wild animals such as giraffe, zebras and even Rhinos wandering near the roads in perfect confidence as that the odd two legged creature called man was their friend.
But, on the other hand the game sanctuary of Assam is not the same. And the animals here are not altogether sure that they are safe. They do not appear so easily. The people of Assam do not cooperate as the same way as Africans..