what differentiation, dedifferentiation and redifferentiation with example
Dedifferentiation: A differentiated cell can regain its capacity for cell division under certain conditions. This phenomenon is called dedifferentiation.
Redifferentiation: A dedifferentiated plant cell once again loses its capacity to divide and becomes mature. This phenomenon is called redifferentiation.
Differentiation :
The root apical meristem, shoot apical meristem undergo permanent changes in their structure, size, biochemistry and protoplasm contents and enabling the cells to perform a specific function is known as differentiation
Example : Chlorenchyma and tracheary elements.
Dedifferentiation :
Differentiation cells loose their ability to divide and form permanent cells but some cells regain their capacity to divide under certain conditions. This phenomenon is known as dedifferentiation
Example : Cork cambium, interfascicular cambium.
Redifferentiation :
The dedifferentiated cells can again loose their ability to divide to form permanent cells specialised for a particular function. The phenomenon where the cells again loose their ability to divide is termed as Redifferentiation.
Example : Secondary phloem, cork, secondary xylem.