What difficulties did Santosh face in her childhood
Santosh Yadav dreamt of being a mountaineer and did not want to have a traditional life of an Indian woman and thought to do something different.
From the very childhood, she used to wear shorts like the boy against her parents wish who wanted her to wear a traditional girl’s dress.
Her parents also tried to get her married at the age of sixteen, but Santosh turned it down and moved ahead in life.
santosh's parents did not wanted to send their children to schools,they wanted santosh to wear traditional clothes,they wanted santosh to marry at an age of 16
santosh's parents had enogh money to send santosh to school but they refused to give her proper education and wanted to get her married at an early age they wanted her to be traditional but she was not ready for all that.so she threated her parents that she would not get married until she gets proper education.