What disease is caused by bacteria and their advantages and disadvantages?
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Some plant diseases caused by bacteria are fire blight of apples, crown gall disease of crops, etc.
Some bacterial diseases in man are diphtheria, leprosy, tetanus, syphilis, plague, cholera, anthrax, etc.
1-help in fixing atmospheric nitrogen
2-help in decomposing
3-in guts of cows and buffalo break down cellulose
4-In chemical industries bacteria are used for production of pure chemicals.
5-In biological pest control, bacteria are used instead of pesticides.
1-Bacteria cause diseases and infection.
2- decrease the immunity system of organism
3-can break down skin and organs
4- Bacteria produce foul smell due to their decomposing products.
Some bacterial diseases in man are diphtheria, leprosy, tetanus, syphilis, plague, cholera, anthrax, etc.
1-help in fixing atmospheric nitrogen
2-help in decomposing
3-in guts of cows and buffalo break down cellulose
4-In chemical industries bacteria are used for production of pure chemicals.
5-In biological pest control, bacteria are used instead of pesticides.
1-Bacteria cause diseases and infection.
2- decrease the immunity system of organism
3-can break down skin and organs
4- Bacteria produce foul smell due to their decomposing products.
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