English, asked by makejokeof608, 8 months ago

What do engineers and contractors do before starting their work?

Moral science​


Answered by pragatifzdtiwari


your answer


Engineering is the process of developing an efficient mechanism which quickens and eases the work using limited resources, with the help of technology. Ethics are the principles accepted by the society, which also equate to the moral standards of human beings. An engineer with ethics, can help the society in a better way.

Hence the study of Engineering ethics, where such ethics are implemented in engineering by the engineers, is necessary for the good of the society. Engineering Ethics is the study of decisions, policies and values that are morally desirable in engineering practice and research.


The word “Morality” originates from the Latin word “mos” meaning “custom”. Morals are the principles or habits with respect to right or wrong of one’s own conduct. They are not imposed by anyone. Morals are what you think is good and bad personally.

Though morals are not imposed, they can be understood as the preaching of our inner self. Depending on a few factors, our mind filters things as good or bad. These are the ideas that help frame our personality so that we can distinguish between what is right and what is wrong.

A moral is the code of conduct that you develop over time and set for yourself to follow, just like

Being good to everyone

Speaking only the truth

Going against what you know is wrong

Having chastity

Avoid cheating

Being a nice human being etc.

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