What do fairy tale witches do?
(1 Point)
Arguably the most famous fairy tale to feature a witch as the main antagonist, Hansel & Gretel follows the adventures of the two titular siblings after they are abandoned in an enchanted forest by their parents. The Blind Witch lies in wait for the children in a house made of hard cake and candies, with window panes of clear sugar, to lure the brother and sister within with the intention of fattening them up, cooking and eating them. Initially putting Hansel in a cage to fatten him up first, and forcing a chained up Gretel to help her cook and clean, the Blind Witch's poor eyesight leads her to using a string to measure how fat Hansel's finger has gotten in the days or weeks that pass. However, from the food he's fed, but more likely the bone of a previous child victim) so it appears he never gains weight. Eventually losing her patience, the Blind Witch decides to cook Hansel and forces Gretel to help her prepare the oven, telling the girl to check If the oven is hot enough yet. Gretel feigns ignorance, pretending not to know how to check the oven, so the Blind Witch shows her. As this happens, Hansel unlocks his cage with his bone and together both siblings push the Blind Witch into the oven and lock it behind her, letting her burn to death.
fairy and witches in real life
tell me
I think these are in real life because we have proof also in YouTube
two sister are playing in the garden and click the photos of fairies
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