What do fish and frog produce a huge number of eggs each year?
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Fish and frog oviparous animals those these animals lay hundred updates and release millions of Storms all the apps to not get fertilized can develop into new individual this is because the exchange palms get exposed to water movement wind and rain Falls also there are other animals in the pond rivers which may be the next production of train number of stones and legs is necessary☺️☺️✔️
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● External fertilization occurs in fish and frog.
●The female lays a vast number of eggs in water and male animal releases some millions of sperms on to them.
●Eggs may be carried to a long distance by water currents or they may be eaten by predators.
●So,fertilization is a chance factor and controlled by nature.
●Ferrtilization occurs externally hence it is inevitable to produce a vast number of eggs by fish and frog.
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