What do forest teach us . Answer in 10 sentences
Your Answer:-
The importance of forests cannot be underestimated. We depend on forests for our survival, from the air we breathe to the wood we use. Besides providing habitats for animals and livelihoods for humans, forests also offer watershed protection, prevent soil erosion and mitigate climate change.
Forests also offer many products, including shelter, water, livelihoods, food, and fuel security.
1. Death is not imminent when you’re without mobile connectivity.
2. We all have inbuilt arsenals. We just have to recognise them.
3. You’re inconsequential in the larger scheme of things, and at the same time, your impact matters.
4. Forests are homes, too
5. Respect comes from equal footing
6. Safe places are imperative.
7. Great beauty exists even in the little things.