English, asked by surajkg40, 11 months ago

What do our holy scriptures tell us about universal human values?​


Answered by rachit55

usually they consider universal human values a sin.

violence free education, skepticism, free love, scrutiny of leaders (plus the holy scriptures), fair recognition of work, mending broken relationships, inclusion, punishment without revenge… all these human values are considered bad by the scriptures. Scriptures have been written and developed to sustain unfair, cruel and inhumane power elites.

Some of them steal a few -usually well established- rules as anchor points and claim, “hey we are so good and so very holy”

But if you don’t worship their god, they will smash you to pieces and they will hope their god will eternally torture you. Psychopathy happens in humans as well but it isn’t a human value…

hope helpful



rachit55: brainliest answer to me
Answered by babai13

If you are asking about what the Bible is saying then it is a big answer and we don’t have enough space and time here. The scripture needs to be read and understood and Jesus’s parables often talk about humanity hence in stead of translating them literally we have to understand what Jesus was trying to say via these parables. One of the reasons these parables were being used was to maintain their meanings in all ages which makes the scripture universal.

Some basic universal values from the Bible are:

I believe the word “Love” appears 310 times in the Bible. We sing about Love in every prayer and it is love that helps us to be better human beings. Love self , Love God, Love Christ’s teachings, Love your neighbours, Love the vulnerable and the sick, love the refugees, Love humans, Love all creations great and small

All humans are created by God and there is no difference between a Roman and Jew; all are one and we are responsible for our own actions

Humans do not live in a territory of land and language. We all have equal values

Humans fail in decisions sometimes (The word translated as sin English is often misunderstood) hence we must not judge others

It was God who made the we are and we are all different. Some men are like women because God made them that way hence we should not discriminate humans ( you can think about sexuality and the gays)

Befriend and invite the people who need your company and help (look after the needy)

Do not speak ill of others behind their back and do not speak without evidence. Do not speak about the sex life of a woman behind her back

When it comes to personal immorality, let people deal with own misjudgements, it is not our job to judge people

Think before you say as words have incredible effect in minds and society

It is our Godly duty to take care of the vulnerable

We must take care of the refugees

We must accommodate who had to flee their countries and let them live as equal

We must not discriminate people of other faiths and let them be

We should engage with other faiths and cultures. When we are with them we should practice what they practice culturally such as food, music etc

We can learn from other cultures and faith and improve ourselves and we can teach others the good things we have

We should love one another as Jesus loved us. This love is a love for humanity, not a personal love you have for your family. But with love for the humanity we can work on our prejudice better

Help others without beating drums about it to maintain human dignity

Pray behind close doors, do not make a show about your faith to maintain respect for other cultures

Importance of learning and taking any measure to to improve self; Go to China if you have to-Jesus told the disciples

Work ethics, respecting elders and loving the young

Do not stress, be positive

Think of good things and good thing will happen-thinking negatively makes us depressed

The words on sexual morality is about taking responsibilities of our own actions, considering the feelings of others and of our own mental states and it is not about sex as a dirty human characteristics as many tends to interpret it

There are so many things that applies to basic and universal human values . Keeping an open mind, reading and understanding in stead of relying on individual opinions will help us to understand these values given by Jesus.

hope this helps

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