what do scriptures say about the origin of the universe
If the universe had no origin in time—if it has always existed—then it is of infinite age. The concept of infinity leaves many people reeling. If there has been an infinite number of events already, why do we find ourselves living now? Did the universe remain quiescent for all of eternity only to spring into action relatively recently, or has there been some activity going on forever and ever? On the other hand, if the universe began, that means accepting it appeared suddenly out of nothing. This seems to imply that there was a first event. If so, what caused it?
Evolution: According to the standard cosmological model, the universe originated in the so-called “big bang.” It follows from present observations that the Hubble constant,
H = 55 (km/s)/Mpc = 1.78 · 10-18 s-1,
represents the initial rate of expansion of the universe. On assuming a constant rate of expansion, the inverse value 1/H = 18 · 109 years gives the moment in time when all matter was supposedly compressed in one point. The age of the universe is defined by means of this extreme extrapolation. The chronology of evolutionary cosmology is based on Table 1, according to R. Breuer [B8, p. 86].
In this scheme, the earth is very much a latecomer in our universe. Allegedly, it split off from the sun or from the mass surrounding the sun. Astronomer O. Heckmann cautions [H4, p. 132]: “The conclusions could eventually become so inaccurate that the connection with the empirical origin of the chain may be practically lost. This is common to all scientific deductions, and holds in particular in cosmology where infinite extrapolations abound.”
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