what do u tell about oumuamua??? is that a space ship or not???
Astronomers from all over the world have studied ‘Oumuamua since it was discovered. The first assumption was, that the interestellar traveller should be a comet - as comets are located at the edges of star systems it is easiest to kick them out. However, no cometary features (including a tail and a coma) were observed. So it was classified as an asteroid.
However, when we measured the trajectory of ‘Oumuamua in greater detail as it started to leave our Solar System, we discovered that it is moving a bit faster than predicted by the laws of celestial mechanics. Hence astronomers concluded that ‘Oumuamua is outgassing - not enough to make it visible in telescopes over this distance, but enough to give the object a tiny boost. So it was reclassified as an interstellar comet.
Now that ‘Oumuamua is so far away that even our best telescopes cannot observe it, Abraham Loeb and Shmuel Bialy from the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics brought up the hypothesis that it could actually be the fragment of an alien space probe - a solar sail.
Such sails could be used to speed up probes to extremely high speeds and are also currently developed and tested by different organisations on Earth. The problem with this hypothesis: We cannot test it (as ‘Oumuamua is way too far away) and it requires a whole bunch of requirements to become true. Even the authors are aware that it is a very unlikely scenario.
hope it helps yrr