what do understand by deactivating and activating layer?
activating groups are electron-donating (relative to H), and. deactivating groups are electron-withdrawing (relative to H).
Let me explain where this occurs.
This map has two layers and each layer has an EditingToolbar associated with it.
When the user pressed polygon draw (in the EditingToolbar), its being draw on the "polygon_layer".
When the user presses line draw or point draw the layer is switched and the user now draws on the "vectors" layer.
When I switch layers, I need to activate the correct button in the EditingToolbar, example:
The user draws polygons in the "polygon_layer" and now he want to draw lines. He presses draw lines button (in the EditingToolbar associated with the polygon_layer).
I switch layers and activate draw lines button on the EditingToolbar for that layer.
After a while, the user now wants to draw polygons again, so i deactivate all buttons in this layer, switch layers and activate the draw polygon button in the EditingToolbar for the polygon_layer. and so on.
Now when I do this enough times (3 switches) I notice that the buttons don't get deactivate anymore.
So I tried to debug and got this totally unexpected error described above ( at the very top)