what do we say
9:30 in Sanskrit
9:30 सार्धनववादनम्
Also see
• 9:00 = नववादनम्
• 9:15 = सपानववादनम्
• 9:45 = पादोनदशवादनम्
9:30 in Sanskrit सार्धनववादनम्
• Let us now learn how to tell the time in Sanskrit. Because we already know how to count numbers it basically is easy.
• After all a day has only twenty four hours.
• And an hour has only sixty minutes.
• So, if you know how to count till sixty, that's more than enough, when you need numbers while you are telling time!
• To indicate half-past the hour (e.g. 7:30), we use the word सार्ध (sārdha), meaning “having a half over”.
• Just like in English we would say “half past seven”, in Sanskrit we would say “सार्ध (sārdha - having half over) + सप्त (sapta - 7) + वादनम् (vādanam - o’clock)”.
• Combining these, we would get सार्धसप्तवादनम् (sārdhasaptavādanam). Substitute the 7 for any of the other units of time (1 - 12).
• 1:30 would be सार्धएकवादनम् (sārdhaekavādanam), 12:30 would be सार्धद्वादशवदानं (sārdhadvādaśavadānaṁ).
• Simply add the word सार्ध to the top of the hour words