Physics, asked by angelmarie03251999, 1 month ago

What do you believe to be the factors that enabled Jonathan to achieve his goal? When Jonathan was described later in his life as a bird that is magnificent, dazzling, and bright, what does it mean? What does this show?​


Answered by Rameshjangid


Jonathan was able to accomplish his goal because he believes in himself and is willing to do what he wants.


Step 1: Livingston, Jonathan The novel Seagull by Richard Bach tells the tale of a determined seagull whose life's mission is to do something significant and memorable. Because of this, he trains flying day and night and eventually masters the ability to soar to the sky's highest points with ease.

Step 2: The short tale Jonathan Livingston Seagull has a powerful lesson to impart. The takeaway is that everyone of us is capable of so much more than we realise or are led to think. God, or fortune, if you prefer, is on the side of those who are brave, daring, and free-spirited.

Step 3:  Jonathan is modest yet ambitious, and because of his inquisitiveness, determination, and strong desire to put others before himself—along with the way that his words are misunderstood and he is simultaneously elevated—he serves as a metaphor and allegory for the biblical character of Jesus Christ.

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Answered by tripathiakshita48


Jonathan was able to accomplish his goal because he believes in himself and is willing to do what he wants.


This is not an insight that Jonathan arrives at by himself. The words are spoken by Jonathan's instructor, Sullivan, after Jonathan had reached what he believed to be heaven and was able to practice his flying with other seagulls who had the same dreams and aspirations as he.Sullivan tells Jonathan 'You are pretty well a one in a million bird', to make Jonathan realise how special he truly is. Instead of following the trend and being 'normal', as other members of his flock, Jonathan had decided to achieve perfection in flight. His different attitude lead to his banishment from the flock and he became an outcast.Other seagulls in Jonathan's flock subscribed to the basic norms of their society, flying for food, fighting and not being desirous of achieving anything much, but existing and meeting their most basic needs.What makes Jonathan exceptional is that he does not give up, he tenaciously seeks to learn more, taking risks in the process and discovering more about himself, life and purpose. Jonathan finally learns from Chiang that heaven does not exist but that heaven is perfection, which is not defined by any physical space or time, but is a place which exists in the mind.

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