English, asked by NishikaShahani, 1 year ago

what do you call a been( snake hypnotizer or charmer) in english??​


Answered by AnjaliSapkota191

It is called pungi..

iwillpoemyou: pungi is in hindi
NishikaShahani: ok thx!!
Answered by Arslankincsem

They are called  snake hypnotizer or charmer. snake hypnotizer:  snakes are capable to sense vibration of sound in air.

They have no outer ear so they are unable to enjoy musical sound, music or noise.

They act in the tune of the pungi flute that the "snake charmer" holds and play with their hands.

The snake considers the person playing pungi as an attacker and responds to it as if it is a kind of animal and attacker.

All kinds of snakes are able to sense sound, they have no outer ear that would enable them to hear the music.

They reciprocate with the fungi that the "snake charmer" holds with their hands.

The snake thinks the person, its hand and the musical instrument pungi as a threat and responds and reciprocate it considering it as a  predator in front of him.

NishikaShahani: thank you so much!
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