What do you know about Megalithic Culture?
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A megalith is a large stone that has been used to construct a structure or monument, either alone or together with other stones.
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Megalithic Culture:
- Megalith refers to the construction of a statue or structure with large stones. But all those constructed out of a big stone are not megaliths. It usually refers to the burial made of a large stone in graveyards away from the habitation area.
- These cultures are placed between the 3rd BC and 1st AD. It is the most widespread culture remains of the time. Its origin traces back to the Mediterranean region in the Neolithic age. This culture came with the Dravidians from the west coast of Asia to the south of our country.
- They dealt with bronze objects however megaliths discovered in our land traces back to Iron Age. The hills of Nilgiris still practice have it as a living tradition.
Learn more about megalithic culture
Name the regions where megalithic culture was concentrated
Write about the burial system of the Megalithic culture.
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