What do you know about PowerPoint software ? explain its features .
Power point software i.e Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Libre Office, WPS Office, Canva, icloud keynote, Prezi.
These are software's which is used to give presentations (like in schools, for business purpose etc.)
These software's provides features to edit text/beautify the text, make the presentation effective, attractive and provide many other features also.
PowerPoint is a presentation of graphic package.
Below are the features of the same.
- PowerPoint is a complete Presentation Graphics Package.
- It helps to make presentation in a professional way.
- It provides us with multiples functionalities such as for animate the text ,pictures and slides.
Features of power point are:
1. Addsmart Art- Do not make Smart Art with Word Art which is similarly named.
Where Word Art enables you to use a wide range of different formats and effects to view text.
2.Insert Shape-When you need some kind of diagram in your presentation, then Smart Art is probably the quickest and easiest way to do so.
It is important to be able to use shapes of Smart Art and it is worth generally with the various options for the Drawing Tool format.
3.Insert an image: Below are two content type icons which appear for inserting images in new content Placeholders.
4. Slidingof Transitions: Used properly, slide transitions can make presentations look good and more entertaining, and more enjoyable where appropriate.
5.Adds animation: Animation outcomes are restricted to one event per slide, animation can be applied on one slide on your layout.
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