What do you learn from the poem Milk for the cat? Please don't give a summary of the poem. Write what you learn from the poem and write it pointwise or in a paragraph (at least 3 paragraphs or 5 points)
Milk for the Cat is a children’s poem about a cat and how she gets her daily dose of milk. The cat goes to the poet’s house at five in the evening every day. Knowing that it is tea time at the poet’s house, she appears without fail and at the right time. The curtains are still drawn at the poet’s house when the cat appears by the windows – its green eyes glowing. Every day at five, the cat waits by the poet’s window, purring and waiting patiently to be given its tea.
Initially, when the cat comes, she pretends that she is just paying a casual visit with nothing to do with the milk she is given every day. However, the poet knows that the real reason behind the cat’s visit is the milk, for she appears only at tea time and continues to do so even after evenings, when the milk served to her is sour. As the cat waits for the milk, her eyes that look like two stones of agate, become dreamy and soft, perhaps fantasizing about the milk that’s about to come. And as the evening progresses, the dreamy look in the cat’s eyes becomes more assertive. What was just a casual, aloof glance becomes a hard stare in wait of the milk. As the cat’s wait progresses, she begins to attract attention by stamping her claws and lifting her ears. And even then, when the cat fails to attract attention and milk, she begins to purr loudly.