what do you mean by a "good democratic front"?explain
Anybody can be a member of the Democratic Party. The DemocraticParty, like the Republican Party is made up of the 50 DemocraticParties in the individual states, and Puerto Rico. To join thelocal Democratic Party is usually a function of state law. Somestates have party registration, other states have an "open primary"if you vote in the Democratic primary you are a member of theparty. If you want to be a member forever of either party, justsend them some money. People who are Democrats are people who believe in democracy.People who are Democrats are people who believe in a wide range ofissues including the advancement of labor and labor organizations,women's rights, civil rights, public education, and the worth ofgovernment in society. The Democratic Party is a "Big Tent,"meaning they have a large number of constituencies and interestswho work together.
People rule through the representatives elected by them self.
a). Due respect is given to different groups and views that exist in the country.
b). Everyone has right to vote and value of each vote is equal.
c). Everyone has a voice in the shaping of public policies and as many people as possible should share power.