what do you mean by beneficial ozone and harmful ozone??
Ozone can be beneficial or harmful to people, depending where it occurs. .This natural ozone shields us from the sun's ultraviolet rays.Harmful ozone forms near ground level when air pollutants (from sources such as cars, power plants, and chemical plants) react chemically in the presence of sunlight.
Ozone occurs naturally in the Earth's upper atmosphere - 6 to 30 miles above the Earth's surface - where it forms a protective layer that shields us from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. Manmade chemicals are known to destroy this beneficial ozone. Bad Ozone. Ozone at ground level is a harmful air pollutant.
Ozone can be beneficial or harmful to people, depending where it occurs. Beneficial ozone is present naturally in the Earth's upper atmosphere, 10–30 miles above the Earth's surface.
Ozone is an important trace gas in our atmosphere that has both beneficial and damaging aspects. Naturally occurring in both the troposphere and stratosphere, stratospheric ozone has a beneficial effect for life on earth as a filtering agent for damaging ultraviolet radiation.