what do you mean by commerce
Here is your answer.
Commerce is the conduct of trade among economic agents. Generally, commerce refers to the exchange of goods, services or something of value, between businesses or entities. From a broad perspective, nations are concerned with managing commerce in a way that enhances the well-being of citizens, by providing jobs and producing beneficial goods and services.
commerce is that part of the economic activity which is concerned with distribution of goods and services produced by the industry.
1).Commerce fills the gap between producers and consumers by exchange of goods and services for money or money's worth
2).Commerce is further divided into the following:
(b)aids to trade
3).Trade denotes buying and selling of goods and services.It is an exchange of goods and services with money or money's worth
4).Aids to trades are all those activities which helps smooth functioning of trading activities.
They includes
(e)Mercantile agents