what do you mean by democracy
Democracy is a form of government in which the rulers are elected by the people.
→Democracy basically is the form of government.
→ It derives from two word of Greek, Demos means people and Cratia means to rule.
→ So we can say in short that democracy is people's rule where all the power remains in the hand of People.
→ Abrahim linchon stated :
☯︎ "Democracy is, To the people, of the people and for the people."
→ Means People has Power to elect their own representatives by their own will.
→ In democracy people also has right to express their desire by means of protest, strike ,rallies etc.
→ As we can see in Now a days,
☯︎ Farmers are protesting against government act just because we live in democratic country where people has right to speech and expression under article 19(A) of Indian constitution.
❶ Major decisions by elected leaders.
❷ free and fair electoral competition.
❸One person, one vote, one value.
❹Rule of law and respect for rights.