what do you mean by dream goals ??
what kind of dream goals have you ??
Goals are something you're acting on. Dreams are something you create in your mind that can take any shape or form, while goals are based on taking action. ... But for goals to be achieved, the action you take needs to be specific and consistent
Dream goals means something which is not in action and a thing helping for achieving a action goal.
Life is taught as a long journey to achieve to purse a big position in future for a comfortable life by making lots of money , by paying back taxes etc etc ...
But for a child even though it is small for example : if a child wants to win a 100m race the child works for it and work for it .. but he gets second position , the chils is very sad ... He is sad because he didn't get what he worked for but here SUCCESS means the work he done , the time he utalised to achieve something and that should be a GOAL PATH to achieve something..
If my answer is not helpful for you pls cooment below what was the mistake..
Thank you