what do you mean by Forestry. what are the objectives. what are its types
Forestry is the practice of managing forest lands for various uses, including commercial, agricultural, and public. This lesson is about forestry, its definition, and some of the types.
Forestry is the knowledge-based practice of managing the land of the forest, to be used for our protection, recreation, and for commercial and industrial uses as well.
To practice sustainable forestry to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs by practicing a land stewardship ethic that integrates reforestation and the managing, growing, nurturing, and harvesting of trees for useful products with the conservation of soil, air and water quality, biological diversity, wildlife and aquatic habitat, recreation, and aesthetics.
Different types of forestry:
This can be done in many different ways or combinations of ways.
The best time to rebuild a forest is after the harvest. Creating conditions that ensure new tree growth means that a forest will still be around for future harvests. In reforesting, often the overstory, or tallest canopy of trees, is manipulated to alter shade conditions for the remaining trees.
Even-Aged Methods
In even-aged forestry, all the mature trees that comprise the overstory are removed at once to create an environment that is exposed to sunlight. In this area, new trees can be planted. This method is called clearcutting. Some areas of the clear cut forest can be left alone with mature trees to provide protection for natural wildlife.
Uneven-Aged Methods
Uneven-aged forestry systems are methods that are used to regenerate forests that contain trees of varying ages and sizes after harvest. This type of forest includes seedlings as well as young and mature trees. If the species of trees require a great deal of light, such as oak, then larger groups of trees of all sizes are removed at a time to create more light on the forest floor. When more shade is required, trees of varying sizes may be removed one at a time at intervals throughout the forest to create small patches of sunlight.
Controlled Burn
Controlled burn, or prescription burning, is a method of forest preservation that involves the managed burning of parts of a forest. While this may seem counter-productive, it can actually help a forest by eliminating overgrowth and species that threaten the natural environment, such as various disease-causing insects. There are also some types of tree seeds, such as the sequoia tree, that need fire to open the seed coatings before they can begin to grow. Controlled burns also remove flammable litter that can lead to uncontrolled and very dangerous wildfires.
Selective Logging and Reduced Impact Logging
Selective logging is a method in which trees that meet certain criteria, such as trunk greater than a given diameter, are the only trees removed from the forest. However, this method does not make provisions for the damage created by the method itself. When the selected trees are chopped down, they fall, destroying other trees. In reduced impact logging or RIL, there is greater planning to account for these issues. This results in less damage to the forest environment and its wildlife.
Forestry is defined as the theory and practice of all that constitutes the creation, conservation and scientific management of forests and the utilization of their resources (Anon, 1966). It includes all thinking and all actions pertaining to creation and management of forests, including harvesting, marketing and utilization of all forest products and services. It includes not only management of existing forests but also the creation of new forests.
National Forest Policy of 1952, recommended that on the basis of Functions, all forest lands may be classified into:
A. Protection Forests
B. National Forests
C. Village Forests
C. Tree Lands
Objectives are:-
1)Understand tree growth, parts and tissues of a tree, and the life cycle of a tree.
2)Identify common tree species from bark, leave or seed without a key, and identify unusual trees and shrubs through the use of a key.
3)Know the typical forest structure: canopy, understory and ground layers and crown classes and the common species that are found in each layer.
4)Understand forest ecology concepts and factors affecting them, including tree communities, regeneration, competition, and primary and secondary succession.
5)Identify the abiotic and biotic factors in a forest ecosystem, and understand how these factors affect tree growth and forest development including the relationship between soil and forest types. Consider factors such as climate, insects, microorganisms, and wildlife.
6)Be familiar with and able to identify common and invasive tree pests and diseases. Be able to identify associated control methods.
7)Understand silvicultural terms, and be able to explain the uses of the following techniques: thinning, single tree and group tree selection, shelterwood, clearcutting, and seed tree management and high grading.
8)Explain the following silviculture systems: clear-cutting , seed tree method, evenaged management, unevenaged management, shelterwood and selection.
9)Know how to use forestry tools and equipment in order to measure tree diameter, height and basal area. Know how to use and read a Biltmore stick, grade scale and log chart.
10)Understand how forest health and management affect biodiversity, global warming, and forest fragmentation.
11)Understand how economic, social and ecological factors influence forest management decisions.
12)Understand the importance and value of trees in urban and community settings, and know the factors affecting their health and survival.
13)Understand the economic value of forests and know many of the products they provide to people and society.
14)Understand why trees and forests are important to human health, recreation, wildlife, and watershed quality.
In total I have written 14 objectives if you want u can write 2-3
Hope this will help u
Pls mark as brainliest.