what do you mean by government what are the function of government
Government is an institution comprising elected representatives managing affairs of a state or locality and providing them facilities
The purpose of Government is to create and maintain the structures and functions of society. Defence, law, health care, police, electricity, social security etc. Structures and functions that maybe we could provide for ourselves, but it is more efficient to have those functions centralized than have each or us providing them for ourselves.
For instance, we could each have a generator supplying electricity for our own purposes. However, that would cost more, it would be more inconvenient, and it would create much more pollution. And some people would miss out if they were careless or made a mistake.
Some governments privatize some of these functions, but they nearly always keep some form of control over the privatized work.
I’m not saying governments do these things well, and in some cases they don’t do them at all, but your question was what was the function of government. My observations suggest that we would be worse off if we each had to provide all of these things for ourselves.