What do you mean by Heterotrophs?
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A heterotroph is an organism that cannot produce its own food, instead taking nutrition from other sources of organic carbon, mainly plant or animal matter. In the food chain, heterotrophs are primary, secondary and tertiary consumers, but not producers.
The mode of nutrition in organisms in which organisms depend on other oragnisms for their food. They derive their food from other sources like plants and animals. They can't prepare their own food because of lack of chlorophyll (a green pigment that helps in the trapping of sunlight for the process of Photosynthesis.) All the organisms coming under kingdom Animalia are heterotrophs. Most of bacterias and protista also shows heterotrophic mode of nutrition. The Heterotrophs are divided into sub groups:-
- Herbivores- The animals that directly depend on plants(producers) for their food. They consume plant and plant products only. Example- Cow
- Carnivores- The animals that depend on other animals for their food. They are alos known as flesh eating animals. Example - Tiger
- Omnivores- The animals that feed on both plants and animals products. Example- Human
- Detrivores- The animals that feed on the dead and decaying matter and helps in cleaning the environment. Example- Earthworm, Fungi
- Sanguivores- The animals that on blood. They have special sucking organs to suck blood from the host body. Example- Leech, Mosquitoes
- Frugivores- The animals that feed on juicy fruits. These animals are generally arboreal (that lives in trees). Example- Monkey
- Insectivorous- The animals that feed on insects and small organisms for their food. Example- Lizards, Chameleon.
- Relationship between Autotrophs and Heterotrophs