what do you mean by land resources ?give an account of land resources in india
Land resources mean the resources available from the land, thus the agricultural land which contain natural fertilizer for growth of the products sown; the underground water, the various minerals like coal, bauxite, gold and other raw materials
Land resources mean the resources available from the land, thus the agricultural land which contain natural fertilizer for growth of the products sown; the underground water, the various minerals like coal, bauxite, gold and other raw materials.
The more a country is able to locate and use the raw materials, the more the industrialization of that country, area etc.
Land resource refers to the land available for exploitation, like non agricultural lands for buildings, developing townships etc
Land resources (natural resources) (economically referred to as land or raw materials) occur naturally within environments that exist relatively undisturbed by mankind, in a natural form.
A natural resource is often characterized by amounts of biodiversity existent in various ecosystems.
Natural resources are derived from the environment. Many of them are essential for our survival while others are used for satisfying our wants.
Natural resources may be further classified in different ways.
Underground geological resources (oil, gas, ores, precious metals), and
Deeper geohydrological resources that normally bear no relation to the surface topography such as confined aquifers, are excluded from the group of components of the natural land unit, although it is recognized that some countries consider them as part of individual land ownership (and hence with rights to exploit or sell them).
Land as a resource
Natural resources, in the context of “land” as defined above, are taken to be those components of land units that are of direct economic use for human population groups living in the area, or expected to move into the area: near-surface climatic conditions; soil and terrain conditions; freshwater conditions; and vegetational and animal conditions in so far as they provide produce. To a large degree, these resources can be quantified in economic terms. This can be done irrespective of their location (intrinsic value) or in relation to their proximity to human settlements (situational value).
Environmental resources are taken to be those components of the land that have an intrinsic value of their own, or are of value for the longer-term sustainability of the use of the land by human populations, either in loco or regional and global. They include biodiversity of plant and animal populations; scenic, educational or research value of landscapes; protective value of vegetation in relation to soil and water resources either in loco or downstream; the functions of the vegetation as a regulator of the local and regional climate and of the composition of the atmosphere; water and soil conditions as regulators of nutrient cycles (C, N. P. K, S), as influencing human health and as a long-term buffer against extreme weather events; occurrence of vectors of human or animal diseases (mosquitoes, tsetse flies, blackflies, etc.).
Environmental resources are to a large degree “non-tangible” in strictly economic terms
Land is a major resource for agricultural development worldwide.
The components of the natural land unit can be termed land resources, including physical, bionic, environmental, infrastructural, social and economic components, in as much as they are fixed to the land unit.
Land, a critically important national resource, supports all living organisms including
plants as well as every primary production system such as roads, industries, communication and storage for surface and ground water, among others .
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