What do you mean by POST ?
OST may refer to any of the following:
1. Short for power-on self-test, the POST is a test the computer must complete to verify all hardware is working properly before starting the remainder of the boot process. The POST process checks computer hardware, like RAM (random access memory), hard drive, CD-ROM drive, keyboard, etc., to make sure all are working correctly.
If all hardware pasts the POST, the computer will continue the boot up process and may generate a single beep sound as well. If POST is unsuccessful, it will generate a beep code to indicate the error encountered and the computer will not boot up. All POST errors are relating to hardware issues with one of the components in the computer.
2. When referring to a message board, comment section, or social network, a post is a message, such as text or images, published online by a user. "To post" is also a verb, meaning to publish such a message. For instance, "You can click here to post this message," or, "Many forum users are posting frequently."
Short for power-on self-testing, the POST is a check that the machine will perform to ensure whether all equipment is operating correctly before the remainder of the boot cycle begins.
- The POST phase tests equipment on machines, such as RAM (random access memory), hard disk, CD-ROM disk, mouse, etc., to insure that they all function properly.
- When the POST is pasted by all equipment, the machine can start the boot up phase and will even produce a single beep signal. When POST fails, a beep code will be produced to show the error that was found, and the machine does not boot up. All POST errors refer to hardware faults with one of the components within the device.