what do you mean by preparation of soil
heya mate ! here is your answer....
The preparation of soil is adding manures and fertilizers into the soil, to make it fertile and sufficient for growing crops is called as preparation of soil. first we turn up the soil by khurpi or sickle , then we add fertilizler and then we water the crops, is called as preparation of soil....
I hope it will helpful to you.....
thank you...
before sowing the crop seeds the soil of the field is loosened and over turned this process is called ploughing .
ploughing is done to facilitate ventilation in soil and make suitable for the growth of microorganisms and other organisms like earthworms they make the soil fertile by decomposing the remains of plants and animals
the instrument used for ploughing is called plough. plough may be made of wood and iron or of the iron only for ploughing of the soil, domestic animals like ox, camels are used. the process of making soil surface even and smooth is called levelling .levelling ensures uniform irrgation and distribution of minerals in the field it helps to prevent soil erosion .
i hope it will help to you