What do you mean by publishing a presentation? Write the steps to publish the presentation
named practice.pptx saved on the desktop.
The first step in publishing a presentation to a Adobe Connect Server is to select a server from the publishing list.
1.In PowerPoint, open a presentation (PPT or PPTX file).
2.Click Adobe Presenter, and in the Presentation group, click Publish.
3.On the left side of the Publish dialog box, select Adobe Connect.
Publishing presentation:
Save slide to slide library or other location to reuse later. But the slide should saved before publish.
Steps involved to publish presentation:
Before creating ppt, we should know how to save ppt in order to access and edit it later.
Step 1: Save the file in desktop with the file name as practise.pptx.
Step 2: Click office button.
Step 3: You'll then need to choose publish command in the backstage view.
Step 4: Publish pane will open and then choose publish slide.
Step 5: Select the desktop path and publish the slide.