What do you mean by Regards
here is your answer
regards means " concern"
care or concern for someone or something. : a feeling of respect and admiration for someone or something. regards : friendly greetings.
1. to look upon or think of with a particular feeling: to regard a person with favor.
2. to have or show respect or concern for.
3. to think highly of; esteem.
4. to take into account; consider.
5. to look at; observe.
6. to relate to; concern.
7. to see, look at, or conceive of in a particular way; judge: I regard every assignment as a challenge.
8. to pay attention.
9. to look or gaze.
10. reference; relation: to err with regard to facts.
11. an aspect, point, or particular: quite satisfactory in this regard.
12. thought; attention; concern.
13. a look; gaze.
14. respect, esteem, or deference.
15. kindly feeling; liking.
16. regards, sentiments of esteem or affection: