Social Sciences, asked by lakshaysethi2006, 10 months ago

what do you mean by Rule of Law


Answered by Anonymous

<font size="+4"><font color="#ff0000"><p style="font:italic small-caps bold 18px/24px Garamond, Georgia, Times, Serif;width:200px;">ANSWER..!</p></font></font><font size="+1"><p style="font:italic small-caps bold 18px/24px Garamond, Georgia, Times, Serif;width:200px;">The term “Rule of Law” is derived from the French phrase 'La Principe de Legality' (the principle of legality) which refers to a government based on principles of law and not of men. [1] In a broader sense Rule of Law means that Law is supreme and is above every individual.</p></font><marquee>☺Brainliest Please☺</marquee>

Answered by babubhattacharya73


Origin And Concept Of Rule Of Law. ... The term “Rule of Law” is derived from the French phrase 'La Principe de Legality' (the principle of legality) which refers to a government based on principles of law and not of men. [1] In a broader sense Rule of Law means that Law is supreme and is above every individual.

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