Physics, asked by dsaikrishanareddy, 1 year ago

what do you mean by Sangi​


Answered by kausalya61

Sanghi is a word evolved in politically charged Malayalam cyberspace to refer people adhering to Sanghparivar ideology. Originally, the term referred only the mindset. For eg., anyone who speak in favour of communalism, anti-reservationism, upper caste hegemony, anti-democratic etc., or acting in such a manner, would get labelled as a sanghi irrespective of his/her political affiliations. These days the word Sanghi is used to refer a person who is a Sanghparivar supporter. The negative connotation stays. People also use the term, mridu sanghi (soft sanghi) to refer Congress supporters who covertly support Hindutva. No one, even the Sanghparivar supporters, use it proudly to refer anything. Overall, the word carries a negative connotation like a Nazi or a terrorist as the Sanghparivar ideology is in direct conflict with the secular and democratic milieu of Kerala.

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