what do you mean by sea breeze
China’s new mega-bridge was officially opened today by President Xi Jinping after 9 years of construction.
The 55-kilometre-long structure, which is the longest over-sea bridge in the world, crosses the Pearl River estuary to connect the Chinese mainland to Hong Kong and Macau. It’s 20 times longer than the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.
In one section, the bridge transitions to an underwater tunnel for 7 kilometres to make way for ships to cross and planes to take off from the nearby Hong Kong International Airport.
About 400,000 tons of steel was used in the project, equivalent to eight times the amount used to build the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The structure is supported by pillars embedded in the seafloor, cables hanging from giant towers, and two artificial islands.
The bridge's route
The bridge’s route
CC BY-SA 4.0
According to its engineers, it should be able to withstand a magnitude-8 earthquake, a super typhoon, or a collision with a 300,000-tonne ship.
The project has been criticised for the deaths of 10 workers and its feared impacts on local white dolphins. Only 47 of the animals are still left in the area, down from 188 in 2003.
China is also home to the longest bridge of any kind in the world, the 164-kilometre-long Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge, which crosses land and water between Shanghai and Nanjing.
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This article appeared in print under the title: World's longest sea bridge opens between Hong Kong and mainland China Magazine issue 3201 , published 27 October 2018
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- a breeze blowing towards the land from the sea, especially during the day owing to the relative warmth of the land.
- a cocktail typically consisting of vodka, grapefruit juice, and cranberry juice.
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